Our Story

How it all began
Our family first visited Guatemala more than 30 years ago. We enjoyed the scenic and beautiful highlands, lakes and volcanoes, but it was the beautiful Mayan people and their colorful artistry that left a lasting impression.
In visiting various villages we learned that different regions have their own special identity which is expressed through their weavings and handicrafts. These traditions have been passed down from generation to generation.
Eventually some of our family moved there and have made lasting friendships. We saw a great humanitarian need that touched our hearts so we devoted much of our time to that cause. We were involved with many humanitarian projects and formed a liaison with The Pediatric Foundation of Guatemala. We sent containers full of medical equipment and supplies which were donated by hospitals in the U.S.
It brought us great joy delivering food supplies to the most impoverished areas in Guatemala. Christmastime was a very special time for us when seeing the smiles on many children's faces as we delivered toys and gifts to hospitals and orphanages.

How it has progressed
That is when our Guatemala Rainbow was established and today is based in both the U.S. and Guatemala.
Now - more than 25 years later - Guatemala Rainbow encompasses 3 generations of our family. We combine our various creative and business talents which include bilingual language skills, product design, graphics and photography.
Our family takes pride in the close relationships we share with our Mayan artisans who reside in various villages in the highlands of Guatemala. Many are women who are sole providers for their families.
It is our great joy to take their beautiful handmade weavings and transform them into products for others to appreciate and enjoy. It still amazes us how, from our design ideas, beautiful hand-beaded jewelry is created.
Our working relationship allows them to use their artful skills to achieve a better quality of life for themselves and their families. Providing them with a steady income enables them to improve their homes and living conditions and educate their children.